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We Deliver. It’s a Promise.
May 2, 2017
Getting it done is what really matters. You can have all the dreams and designs in the world but the promise of delivery…actually finishing a dream home in a timely manner and on budget…is what matters in the end. We keep our word. Once we sign the contracts detailing what we are providing and the budget a client
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We Build the House, You Make the Home
April 2, 2017
One of our former clients recently invited us into her home to take some photos of our work. It was such a pleasure to see how all of the details that we had worked so diligently to design and implement for this family were being used and enjoyed. Here are some of the “lived-in” photos
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Design Matters
March 1, 2017
In this episode, we address the process of designing a home. It’s never too early to begin your design. If fact, getting the design on paper helps the process go much faster once you’re ready to build. The Design step is where we come together and take our client’s Dreams for a new home and put
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A Reputation of Knowledge
February 1, 2017
Isn’t it amazing how one thing sometimes leads to another? One of our recent jobs came to us because of some expertise we developed during a previous job. As those of you who followed our Up From the Ashes series know, we had the privilege to work on a complete rebuild from a tragic home fire. For
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It Starts with a Dream
January 11, 2017
We recently sat down to talk about how we help our clients begin the homebuilding/remodeling process. It always starts with a dream. After all, if you are considering investing in something as personal as a custom home, it should reflect you and the needs of your family more than anything else. That’s why in our
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Ready for Move-In: Up from the Ashes
December 7, 2016
In this final segment of our Up from the Ashes series we do a walk-through of the home we renovated from the ground up after a devastating fire. If you want hear more about this family’s story and see inside the walls, check out our previous posts on this renovation; Up from the Ashes, The 3-D Difference: Up
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A Look Behind the Walls: Up from the Ashes
November 7, 2016
In Up from the Ashes, Part 2, Tony takes us through the renovation of a home that was nearly a complete loss from a fire. Take a look at Up from the Ashes, Part 1 and Up from the Ashes to get more of the back story on this home. In this segment, we look inside the walls to
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The 3-D Difference: Up from the Ashes
October 7, 2016
Join 3-D’s Tony Davenport as he takes us through the renovation of a home that was completely destroyed by fire. Read more about the story in the previous blog, Up from the Ashes. In the first segment, you’ll hear Tony talk about a few things that make our company different. The distinctions can be found in insulation choice, HVAC considerations,
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Insulation Matters
August 8, 2016
All insulation is the same, right? Not exactly. We use some special insulation for special purposes. Noisy Areas Bathrooms should be private. The insulation a builder uses can make the difference between the entire house knowing that you’re singing in the shower and having all the privacy you need to do your Bon Jovi impersonation. Around bathrooms we
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Up From the Ashes
June 8, 2016
It could have been much worse. A year ago a family was in bed for the night when strange noises caused alarm. It turned out that a recently (and improperly) renovated fireplace had caused a fire in the walls of the home. The popping noises allowed all the members of the family to escape without harm,
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